The "Légion Tricolore" (Legion Tricolor), was created in 1941, existed only on paper and was abandoned in the fall of 1942.
The Legion Tricolor is an attempt by the Vichy government (Laval and his Secretary of State Jacques Benoist-Méchin) to recover politically and militarily the LVF (Legion of French Volunteers). The LVF was the creation of the French collaborationist parties and had a status of private association.
The LVF fought in German uniforms (Feldgrau) in a regiment of German infantry on the Eastern Front, which had made it almost impossible to recruit a great numer of volunteers. They hated to fight under a foreign uniform.
The LVF is torn by the collaborationist political parties struggling to impose itself on his head. Management of the legion is deplorable, many embezzlement, and a sprawling bureaucracy reigns true in Paris while the troops are being slaughtered on the forehead.
A delegate from the Armistice Commission conducted an investigation that led the Germans to demand the French government the dissolution of the Legion, because they did not recognize it. Hitler banned it on September 17, 1942. The French government then complied with the Decree No. 1113 of December 28, the Legion dissolution.
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