Are Hitler's promises to overcome the severe economic crisis of the Great Depression, the repudiation of the Treaty of Versailles ("a stab in the back of Germany," he said) and the defence of German rearmament gradually to appeal to the electorate. In 1932, there was already the most representative party formation with a seat in the Reichstag (parliament), gained force with the appointment, the following year, Hitler as a chancellor, by Marshal Hindenburg.
Immediately, Hitler prepares to impose the dictatorship, abolishing the constitution of the Weimar Republic (1919-33) and all political parties except his own, passing to control the justice, media, security forces and education. Also leaves the League of Nations and the disarmament conference, reactivating the compulsory military service.
In Germany, opponents were murdered, declared or suspected; "purge" even the Nazi party, imprisoning them in concentration camps that were not settled; witnessing the flight of many Germans. The military corps of the party (SA, Sturmabteilung, and SS, Schutzstaffel) and its police (Gestapo) imposed a climate of torture and terror. With the death of Hindenburg in 1934, Hitler declares itself as der Führer (the leader), joining the presidency and the foreign ministry in his person. Political resistance disappears; many follow him, animated by its program of economic reconstruction (roads, war industry and similar to, self-sufficiency ...).
The objectives of Hitler were related to the imposition of German superiority affirmed the principle that other peoples were inferior, especially Jews (in fact, held the German economic structure, coveted by the Nazis to ensure economic reconstruction), the Slavs, Gypsies and other non-Germanic peoples. Within this framework of action, advocated the creation of a "living space" (Lebensraum) for German people, found the formula to justify the expansionism of the Reich, including in the East.
On November 9, 1938, groups will burn down the synagogues and destroy the business of the Jews, a night that has become known as the 'Night of Broken Glass' (Kristallnacht), or 'broken glass'.
At the same time, Hitler and Nazi Germany were preparing for war. Clearly violating the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, occupy the Rhineland in 1936, signing a pact with Mussolini's fascist Italy and an anti-communist agreement with the Japanese, forming, with these three nations, the Axis Rome-Berlin-Tokyo.
In August 1939, the Reich gets more of its diplomatic hoaxes, with the agreement with USSR to its neutrality if one of the countries involved in war, and also agrees, but secretly, with the division of Poland and much of Eastern Europe between them.
During this period of 1939-1945, the anti-Semitism is raised beyond the imaginable, are perpetrating acts of perfect insanity from about six million Jewish victims of Nazi concentration camps (Holocaust), along with more than five million Germans killed, not counting the wounded and missing, and all the brutal destruction of the country and much of Europe and the world.
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